化學館 B376室
傳真: 02-3366-8671
- 發展適用於凝態分子系統的量子動力學理論方法,並應用在光合作用中的能量與電子轉移以及分子系統在凝態中之光化學反應研究
- 應用量子化學計算以及分子動力學模擬,研究新奇奈米材料之電子結構與光物理現象,並發展可以應用在描述有機材料光電性質之多尺度模擬方法
- 分子激發態動力學、非線性光譜學理論與模擬
- 應用於化學系統模擬之量子計算演算法開發
- 隨機動力學過程相關理論與模擬方法
1995 年臺灣大學化學系學士;1997 年臺灣大學化學系碩士;2006 年美國麻省理工學院化學系博士;2006-2009 年美國加州大學柏克萊分校博士後研究;2009-2014 年任臺灣大學化學系助理教授;2014-2020 年任臺灣大學化學系副教授;2020 年迄今任臺灣大學化學系教授。
- 2020 年國立臺灣大學全英語授課教學傑出獎
- 2015 年國立臺灣大學教學傑出獎
- 2013 年國際波動力學應用研發中心(CMOA)潛力科學家獎
- 2011-2014 年國立臺灣大學教學優良獎
- 2011年 CSJ(日本化學會)亞洲國際研討會The Distinguished Lectureship Award 獎
- M.T. Wong and Y.C. Cheng, “A quantum Langevin equation approach for two-dimensional electronic spectra of coupled vibrational and electronic dynamics" J. Chem. Phys., 154, 154107 (2021).
- W.-C. Chen and Y.C. Cheng, “Elucidating the Magnitude of Internal Reorganization Energy of Molecular Excited States from the Perspective of Transition Density” J. Phys. Chem. A, 124, 7644 (2020).
- H.-H. Teh, B.-Y. Jin, and Y.C. Cheng, “Frozen-mode small polaron quantum master equation with variational bound for excitation energy transfer in molecular aggregates” J. Chem. Phys., 150, 224110 (2019).
- S.-T. Hsieh, L. Zhang, D.-W. Ye, X. Huang, and Y.C. Cheng, “A theoretical study on the dynamics of light harvesting in the dimeric photosystem II core complex” Faraday Discuss. 216, 94 (2019).
- Y.-F. Wang, Cheng and Y.C. Cheng, “Molecular electrostatic potential on the proton-donating atom as a theoretical descriptor of excited state acidity” Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 4351 (2018).
- H.-H. Teh and Y.C. Cheng, “On the accuracy of the LSC-IVR approach for excitation energy transfer in molecular aggregates” J. Chem. Phys., 146, 144105 (2017).
- H.-B. Chen, N. Lambert, Y.C. Cheng, Y.-N. Chen, F. Nori, “Using non-Markovian measures to evaluate quantum master equations for photosynthesis” Sci. Rep., 5, 12753 (2015).
- Y. Chang and Y.C. Cheng, “On the Accuracy of Coherent Modified Redfield Theory in Simulating Excitation Energy Transfer Dynamics” J. Chem. Phys., 142, 034109 (2015).
- Y.-H. Hwang-Fu, W. Chen, Y.C. Cheng, “A Coherent Modified Redfield Theory for Excitation Energy Transfer in Molecular Aggregates” Chem. Phys., 447, 46 (2015).
- Y.-H. Ho, M.-C. Chang, K.-H. Yu, Y.-H. Liu, Y. Wang, Y.C. Cheng, J.-T. Chen, “CO2 fixation by dicopper(II) complexes in hypodentate framework of N8O2 ”, Dalton Trans., 43, 6287 (2014).
- Q.Ai, Y.-J. Fan, B.-Y. Jin, Y.C. Cheng, “An efficient quantum jump method for coherent energy transfer dynamics in photosynthetic systems under the influence of laser fields”, New J. Phys., 16, 053033 (2014).
- H.-T. Chang, P.-P. Zhang, Y.C. Cheng, “Criteria for the accuracy of small polaron quantum master equation in simulating excitation energy transfer dynamics”, J. Chem. Phys., 139, 224112 (2013).
- Q.Ai, T.-C. Yen, B.-Y. Jin, Y.C. Cheng, “Clustered geometries exploiting quantum coherence effects for efficient energy transfer in light harvesting”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 4, 2577 (2013).
- S.J. Jang, Y.C. Cheng, “Resonance energy flow dynamics of coherently delocalized excitons in biological and macromolecular systems: Recent theoretical advances and open issues”, WIREs Computat. Mol. Sci., 3, 84 (2013).
- N.Lambert, Y.-N. Chen, Y.C. Cheng, C.-M. Li, G.-Y. Chen, F. Nori, “Quantum biology”, Nat. Phys., 9, 10 (2013).
- H.-T. Chang, Y.C. Cheng, “Coherent versus incoherent excitation energy transfer in molecular systems”, J. Chem. Phys., 137, 165103 (2012).
- N.S. Ginsberg, J.A. Davis, M. Ballottari, Y.C. Cheng, R. Bassi, G.R. Fleming, “Solving structure in the CP29 light harvesting complex with polarization-phased 2D electronic spectroscopy”, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 108, 3848 (2011).
更新日期: 2022-01-26