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Department of Chemistry

Cooperative Program


  • University of Rennes 1 The Institut de Chimie de Rennes (2000-11 ~ )
  • Department of Chemistry, Kanagawa University (2005-03 ~ )
  • The Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University (2019-03-18 ~ 2024-03-17)
  • Department of Chemistry, Sogang University (2020-02-11 ~ 2025-02-10)






School Level- Incoming Visiting Student Program

  • Visiting Student Program is designed for outstanding current students of overseas/partner institutions who wish to broaden their horizons while earning credits at NTU, one of the world's leading institutions of higher education. While enrolled as a non-degree-seeking but full-time student, you are permitted to gain access to and take advantage of NTU's fullest range of academic programs.
  • The duration of studies could be either one semester or one academic year.
  • Application
  • Recent Home Universities:
    • Virginia Commonwealth University
    • Michigan State University
    • Purdue University
    • Rice University
    • University of Washington

Erasmus University Rotterdam Department of Molecular Genetics

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam Department of Molecular Genetics, Erasmus Medical Center, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • 2019-09-13 ~ 2024-09-13
  • Title of the Agreement by Chinese: 國立臺灣大學化學系與伊拉斯莫斯大學醫學中心分子遺傳學系雙聯學位合作備忘錄
  • Title of the Agreement by English: Memorandum on Joint Doctorate between Department of Molecular Genetics Erasmus Medical Center Erasmus University Rotterdam and Department of Chemistry College of Science National Taiwan University


University of Bordeaux

  • Title of the Agreement by Chinese: 國立臺灣大學化學系與波爾多大學雙聯學位計畫協議書(個案)
  • Title of the Agreement by English: Cotutelle Contract between University of Bordeaux and National Taiwan University (individual)


City University of Hong Kong Department of Chemistry

  • 2023-03-20 ~ 2028-03-20
  • Title of the Agreement by Chinese: 國立臺灣大學化學系與香港城市大學化學系雙聯學位合約
  • Title of the Agreement by English: Agreement on the Joint Ph.D. Programme between Department of Chemistry, College of Science, City University of Hong Kong and Department of Chemistry, College of Science, National Taiwan University

Annual International Chemistry Workshop

  • This workshop is jointly organized every summer with Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), Hiroshima University (Japan), and Okayama University (Japan). The lectures cover various fields of chemistry, including biochemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, and analytical chemistry. In addition to academic study, the workshop also provides opportunities of experiencing local culture.
  • The registration information is announced between May-July
  • Postponed in 2020~2022 due to COVID-19


Annual Workshop with Kanagawa University

  • This workshop involves the Faculty of Science, Kanagawa University, and the Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University. Professors from both universities give lectures covering various chemistry disciplines. The workshop aims at promoting academic and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Japan, therefore the participating undergraduates get to interact with their Japanese counterparts while absorbing the latest chemistry knowledge.
  • The registration information is announced between May-July
  • Postponed in 2020~2022 due to COVID-19