- 2019-09-13 ~ 2024-09-13
- 合約中文:國立臺灣大學化學系與伊拉斯莫斯大學醫學中心分子遺傳學系雙聯學位合作備忘錄
- 合約英文:Memorandum on Joint Doctorate between Department of Molecular Genetics Erasmus Medical Center Erasmus University Rotterdam and Department of Chemistry College of Science National Taiwan University
- 合約中文:國立臺灣大學化學系與波爾多大學雙聯學位計畫協議書(個案)
- 合約英文:Cotutelle Contract between University of Bordeaux and National Taiwan University (individual)
- 2023-03-20 ~ 2028-03-20
- 合約中文:國立臺灣大學化學系與香港城市大學化學系雙聯學位合約
- 合約英文:Agreement on the Joint Ph.D. Programme between Department of Chemistry, College of Science, City University of Hong Kong and Department of Chemistry, College of Science, National Taiwan University
若有意願,請洽系承辦人詢問:3366-1143 許小姐