



凝態物理館 R1102
電話: 02-3366-5260
傳真: 02-2365-5404

  • 表面增強拉曼/紅外光譜

  • 表面物理化學、電化學

  • 新穎電池材料與催化劑


  • 2013 日本北海道大學博士

  • 2013-2016 美國伊利諾大學化學系博士後研究

  • 2016/12-2022/07 國立臺灣大學凝態科學研究中心助理研究員

  • 2022/08-迄今 國立臺灣大學凝態科學研究中心副研究員

  • 2022/08-迄今 國家同步輻射研究中心副研究員 (合聘)

  • 2023/08-迄今 國立臺灣大學化學系副教授 (合聘)


  • 2022 吳大猷先生紀念獎

  • 2022 中國化學會傑出青年化學家獎章

  • 2023 水木化學文教基金會傑出青年學者獎

  • 2023 臺灣觸媒學會優秀青年獎


  1. K. B. Ibrahim*, T. A. Shifa, M. Bordin, E. Moretti, H.-L. Wu*, A. Vomiero*, "Confinement Accelerates Water Oxidation Catalysis: Evidence from in-situ studies.", Small Methods, 2023, 2300348.

  2. X. Mo, X. Gao, A. V. Gillado, H.-Y. Chen, Y. Chen, Z. Guo, H.-L. Wu*, E. C. M. Tse*, "Direct 3D Printing of Binder-Free Bimetallic Nanomaterials as Integrated Electrodes for Glycerol Oxidation with High Selectivity for Valuable C3 Products", ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 8, 12202–12213.

  3. Y.-C. Ko, C.-H. Hsu, C.-A. Lo, C.-M. Wu, H.-L. Yu, C.-H. Hsu, H.-P. Lin*, C.-Y. Mou*, H.-L. Wu*, "Interconnected microporous and mesoporous carbon derived from pitch for lithium-sulfur batteries", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10, 14, 4462–4472.

  4. H.-L. Yu, K. B. Ibrahim, P.-W. Chi, Y.-H. Su, W.-T. Chen, S.-C. Tseng, M.-T. Tang, C.-L. Chen, H.-Y. Tang, C.-W. Pao, K.-H. Chen, M.-K. Wu*, H.-L. Wu*, "Modulating the voltage decay and cationic redox kinetics of Li-rich cathodes via controlling the local electronic structure.", Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32, 2112394.

  5. C.-A. Lo, C.-C. Chang, Y.-W. Tsai, S.-K. Jiang, B.-J. Hwang, C.-Y. Mou*, H.-L. Wu*, "Regulated Li Electrodeposition Behavior through Mesoporous Silica Thin Film in Anode-free Lithium Metal Batteries.", ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021, 4, 5, 5132-5142.

  6. Z. Syum, T. Billo, A. Sabbah, B. V. Gopal, S.-Y. Yu, F.-Y. Fu, H.-L. Wu*, L.-C. Chen, K.-H. Chen*, " Copper Zinc Tin Sulfide Anode Materials for Lithium-ion Batteries at Low Temperature", ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 27, 8970-8979.

  7. T.-C. Chou, C.-C. Chang, H.-L. Yu, W.-Y. Yu, C.-L. Dong, Juan-Jesús Velasco-Vélez, C.-H. Chuang, L.-C. Chen, J.-F. Lee, J.-M. Chen, H.-L. Wu*, "Controlling the Oxidation State of the Cu Electrode and Reaction Intermediates for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction to Ethylene", Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142, 2857-2867.

  8. J. Yang, C.-Y. Wang, C.-C. Wang; K. H. Chen, C.-Y. Mou*, H.-L. Wu*, "Advanced Nanoporous Separators for Stable Lithium Metal Electrodeposition at Ultra-High Current Densities in Liquid Electrolyte", Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2020, 8, 5095-5104

更新日期: 2023-08-02